Slow return

Yesterday was the first time I have run since the half. Good thing I suppose, take it easy and rest after the race. I would be more inclined to really believe that if I had been able to do solid training for the race. There were several times I felt like I had reached at least a moderate peak of performance readiness, but each time I hit that plateau, something always kept me from keeping it up (or improving on it). I was sick for those two weeks and that really set me back and then rolling my ankle the week before hurt too. The ankle injury and subsequent setback acted in many ways like a taper, but it was too much rest I felt.

So now I am getting back into it, but slowly which is fine. Dealing with my my groin twinge has been a pain, I would much rather do several shorter runs than just stop for a week. It feels a bit better now, but I am getting the itch to run again and I am really going to have to force myself to get back into things rather than bull through the china shop of my physique. I’ll be able to do it, Tomorrow I am planning on a base run of 7 miles or so and then I am going to run with a friend who is just getting back into running this weekend, so that will be slow. Then I begin the steady increase again untill I hit that 30 mile a week total that seems to work so well for me in terms of establishing a base.

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