Poor night’s sleep

Last night I had a terrible night’s sleep. It was another rebif night, but that wasn’t the problem. A critter that has moved in under our house was the culprit. From the amount of noise I’d sat he is half beaver and half wood chipper. We have had this problem in the past and they usually move on after a few days, that can’t come quick enough for me. It would start up and I would bang on the wall . Everything would be quiet long enough for me to go back to sleep, then it would start up again. Ugh.

I was planning on going for a run this morn, so I stuck to my promise to myself despite feeling pretty sluggish and out the door I went. It would have been really easy to blow this one off, but I want to keep it up. Right away I noticed an ache in my right shin muscle. Each step was painful, but about half way through it subsided a bit when I started running on dirt. The softness of dirt really makes a big difference on how you legs feel, the downside is the inconsistency of the surface which can actually make your legs work harder by having to continually compensate. Still today it was a relief! I walked up the stairs and hill out of the canyon and thought I might just continue to walk. But traffic forced me to run across the street and I thought Oh what the heck let’s keep going and on I went.

When I got back I thought I might as well do all my bird duties since I was already filthy. By the time I emptied out their pool and cleaned their huts I was really pooped! Now I am gonna take a break and work on the computer with some caffeine to keep me company. Now all I need is big slice of chocolate cake!

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