Hobble-Along Cassidy

Against my better judgment I went for a run today. To make it a worse decision I went for a long run. While I will admit this is a dumb idea for the most part, I actually felt pretty good. While I totally advocate and practice rest when injured, I also feel there can be some benefit in stressing an injury. This might be the dumbest idea ever, but I think it can help build you back up stronger than ever because while you are stressing it you are aware of it and focused on it. Like I said, maybe this is bad advice, but it seems to work for me. The other aspect of this is that it is so hard to get back to exercising after an injury. You get in the pattern of not working out and resting yourself and it is really hard to get away from the luxury! As you heal it is often hard to know when you are healed enough to return. The slightest twinge will keep you from returning for fear of re-injury. I don’t think I would apply this to things like a broken bone or anything, but soft tissue damage (as long as it isn’t too severe) seems to be ok in moderation (the key!)

So my recently rolled ankle feels ok so far after I went for 7.5 miles today. The one sore area is the outer part of my right foot which I rolled in my stupid flip flops (the devil’s shoe!) It started to get sore with about a mile and a half to go. I focused on proper and balanced foot-strike and was careful not to hit any uneven spots (actually did through the entire run.) I did have to put up with a couple people passing me which I hate! But I guess I should get used to that, I’m getting older and slower or at least I am getting no younger and no faster (that sounds better.) One person came up to me in the canyon and touched my shoulder to let me know he was there, I have a feeling my radio (though it wasn’t that loud) was keeping me from hearing him. He was nice about it and I apologized for my lack of proper attention, I need to watch that. Scared the crap out of me thoguh when he did it.

3 thoughts on “Hobble-Along Cassidy

  1. I'm always pushing it too much.
    I think that's why I've had such a difficult time dealing with the dx of the MS.
    Thank you so much for reccomending the Chi Running, I have it in audio form and have been listening to it at work. Reminds me at lot of my old yoga class (the breathing techniques that is)
    I haven't done much running lately, been too hot and humid!
    I did get my cooling vests today!
    The last two runs were better but it's so hard going from running a 5K (which was in Feb) to trying to put together 3/4 of a mile. Legs still feel as though I have weights on them.
    I'm still learning to adjust I guess.

    Take it easy on yourself and RICE!
    I also believe flip flops are evil (and so does the hubby!) but the kids love em!

    Thanks again and take care.

  2. Yeah I really do need to go slow with coming back from an injury. I have been running slower and not nearly as much which I think helps a lot. My problem is that I want to run just as far as I ever did and I need to restrict myself more on miles.

    Hi MMA, glad to hear you are enjoying the Chi Running. It has been a great thing for me. They put a out a great newsletter that you can subscribe to on their website. The thing I really like about reading (or listening!) about running is that it keeps me inspired. This is especially good for those hot muggy days that force you to stay indoors, makes it easier to get back to running when you get a break from the heat. I'd love to hear more about your cooling vest. I have thought about getting one as well. I guess you can actually outfit yourself like a spaceman with cooling gear if you wanted! Some of it is pretty crazy.

    Oh, and I can't believe I am actually wearing my flip flops as I type…

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