Back to my old shoes

Today I decided to go back to my old motion control shoes I wore before I went to the nuetral ones with the insert. I wore the Aisics Gel Kayano model for a number of years, shelling out the big bucks for them as I really liked them. The last couple of times I bought them I had discovered the online bargain that is last years models, so my cost hit wasn’t too great. I harp on this as I feel like nobody should buy the same running shoe for full retail prices two times in a row, just search for your model and find the deals. So back to running with the old shoes. One thing I had forgotten about these that I didn’t like was how poor the traction on the front of the shoe when they get wet. I might as well be ice skating. I can’t believe I put up with that in Portland for so long. The other issue I had with them (and really all shoes in general) is that I experienced some pain in the ball of my feet. These seem to be especially bad. Of course it could have to do with getting rid of a corn on the ball of my one foot (gross!) I also remembered why I liked these so well. I run really smoothly with them and feel like I have a giddy-up in my step. I think I will run on them for a week or so and see how it goes.

One thing I was supprised about was the amount of miles I had left on them. I had really only run around 200 miles with them. I had put 600+ (probably too much) on a previous pair of them. Which brings me to a point I wanted to make, keeping a running journal. Not only can you track your progress when training, but you can also keep track of how many miles you put on your shoes so you have a better idea of when to replace them. There are a bunch of free ones available online. Actual paper journals are cool too, and can become much more of a keepsake, but the electronic journals can do all the math for you. There are some you can use online, or ones that you can download onto your computer. I use the Runners Log and track my routes, shoes, style of run, how I felt, weather, miles, time and now I am making notes on my spells (of which I have had none for over a month!) The other benefit it is it sort of fun in an OCD kind of way, I like putting my miles down and seeing the weekly totals. When I trained for the Portland Marathon logged over 1000 miles total in a year.

3 thoughts on “Back to my old shoes

  1. OK, my question to you is, and if it is in your post and I missed it…forgive me now.

    How many miles should a runner put on their shoes before moving on to a new pair?

  2. That is a great question. If you listen to the folks at the running store, they will always tell you it is less that it really is IMHO. I usually try to shoot for a change around 500. The neutral shoes I am wearing now seem (Mizune Wave 10) to wear out quicker. Basically they are ok, just not as comfortable anymore. I make my decision to buy new shoes based on miles and how comfortable they appear to be. Also if my shoes are getting up in miles and I am noticing some new sort of irritation going on with my feet, I’ll also consider making the switch.

    Running shoes tend to get compacted after all the running, and therefor lose their ability to absorb the stress of pounding. It is important to make sure your shoes are up to the impact. But I really hesitate to say buy a new pair every 250 miles or so. They can last longer.

    One thing you can do is use inserts. This will give your shoe more life and add to the comfort level. There are many kinds of inserts based on what your foot needs are. A good running store will be able to help you out with a decision about proper inserts. Be sure to bring your shoes, as it will help the shop keeper make the right choices for you.

    Another trick you can do is to have multiple pairs of running shoes that you rotate through. I don’t think this really helps battle the compression issues, though maybe it actually does. But it does allow you to have a longer period of time where you are wearing properly broken-in shoes which is great if you are training for a future race.

  3. Great info! I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have. the style shoes

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